Dear Patient,


  • Elastic wear is the part of orthodontics that patients with braces in Singapore often fail in and is the most frequent cause of treatment being delayed or treatment results being compromised. Additionally, there are instances where even patients wearing Invisalign in Singapore would also need to use elastics. Please follow the instructions EXACTLY so that you may get the proper result.


  • Full time elastic wear means wearing the elastics ALL THE TIME. The elastics must be in all the time even when eating and brushing your teeth. Then you change the elastics every 12 hours and when they burst, you must put on new elastics straight away. So please bring your bag of elastics with you wherever you go.
  • Please note that the relapse rate of elastic wear is 3X faster than the rate of improvement. If you don’t wear the elastics for 6 hours a day and the rest of the time you do wear it, YOU WILL GET NO IMPROVEMENT. Or if you don’t wear it for a day, the previous three days of good elastic wear will be lost!!
  • When you cheat, you only cheat yourself. The teeth will not move and you will not be able to move on to the next phase of treatment. If your loved ones see you without the elastics in the mouth anytime of the day besides when you are brushing, you are only delaying your treatment progress.
  • NEVER stop wearing your elastics unless Dr Vaz tells you to. If you have no more elastics, please ask for more elastics.

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